Competitor Infographics
From the competitor research completed, current and new styles were analyzed to see what was working and what wasn't for customers. Everything was given careful attention frmo the style of photography down to character count on each infographic.

The current GoodCook infographics were outdated and content-heavy for a graphic that needed to be a quick and effective read. The red border, although memorable, did not have much significance anywhere else with the branding. Much of the photography was also not used to its fullest potential as most of it was cropped in too tight and other times, made the product too bare solely on a white background.

An entirely new process was established within the marketing and design team in order to properly tell the story of each product properly. A clear order was created based on research of best practices that began showing the product on its own, followed by its set image, detail, feature, dimensions, etc. totaling eight infographics. All the copy used within each infographic was carefully curated for each feature by a copywriter and approved by product managers. New visuals then had to be created to match and enhance the copy. Photography was used or requested to highlight each feature and when photography was not available, images needed to be composited and treated like key art in order to tell the proper story.

Additional Examples
These are additional examples of freshly designed infographic sets based on the new style. A significant detail was adding the GoodCook logo in the bottom right corner in order to enhance branding.

A+ Graphics for Amazon, Target, Walmart Websites
In addition to designing the eight infographics for each product, A+ graphics also needed to be designed that would create a landing page on the product listing page where the customers may view additional information on the product.

A+ Page Design Preview
This page was newly designed to highlight key features of the product and its family of similar pans. Each graphic was specifically designed in order to tell a captivating story and provide value to customers. All the copy was tailored for each module and kept at a minimum to quick and easy reading with maximum selling points. To view the live page on Amazon.com click here.